High participation in Migration Symposium on 9 and 10 May 2019
The aim of the symposium was to explore, together with stakeholders, policy options with respect to the question ‘how to optimize the benefits and minimize the costs of labor migration in relation to sustainable socioeconomic development of the three countries?’
Participants of the symposium: policy makers and implementing staff from different ministries from the three countries, representatives from employers’ and employees’ organizations, members of the Social-Economic Councils of the three countries, NGOs, politicians, universities, and migrants, were actively involved in the discussions. Also the Dutch Ambassador in Caracas and the Protection officer of ICRC in Venezuela were present.
The symposium was opened by the acting president of the Social Economic Council of Curaçao, mr. John Jacobs. The Prime Minister the Hon. Eugène Rhuggenaath held an opening speech. The morning program was attended by the acting Governor, Her Excellency Mrs. N. Römer-Kenepa.
The program, speeches, presentations, films, and bio’s can be found on the webpage ‘Migration Symposium’.