WEBINAR – CESALC – 2021 november 3&4 th
The AICESIS Vice-Secretary General of the Latin American and Caribbean region, participated actively at the technical level in the webinar organised by the Spanish Economic and Social Council in cooperation with the Spanish Embassy in Bolivia and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). AECID is the main managing body of Spanish cooperation, focused on the fight against poverty and sustainable human development.The webinar, which was part of the Intercoonecta project, was entitled: “Social Economic Councils and the Sustainable Development Goals in the light of inequalities, leave no one behind”. This webinar which was in Spanish and took place on 3 and 4 November 2021, had a broad programme
Download the program : Programa seminario virtual Intercoonecta 3 y 4 de noviembre 2021
Participants included several countries from the Latin American and Caribbean region besides the International Labour Organization (ILO). The countries were: Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Costa-Rica and Colombia.
SER-Curaçao, honoured to be an active participant to this webinar, gave a presentation on the first day on the theme: “Training in the service of the Sustainable Development Goals from the institutionalized social dialogue”. This presentation was titled: “‘The Broad Prosperity’ as a starting point from the perspective of the institutionalised social dialogue.” Click for the presentation, which was in Spanish, on the attached link.
As this webinar was dedicated to the Latin American and Caribbean region, the ESC of Spain reserved some time for the Vice-Secretary General of that region to tell a bit more about the regional network in the region.
So information was provided of the CESALC (Consejos Economicos y Sociales de America Latina y el Caribe) and the International Associate of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS). Both networks offers excellent opportunities for exchanges of best practices.
Some of the general conclusions for SER-Curaçao, as Vice-Secretary General for the Latin American and Caribbean region, were:
- The direction, design and development process of the social dialogue in the region varies per country;
- The sustainable development goals offer an excellent starting point to broaden the prosperity of all countries in the region;
- It is precisely in these COVID-stricken times that, through an institutionalised Social Dialogue in which the Sustainable Development Goals play a role, sustainable and inclusive progress can be achieved;
- In cooperation with SER-Spain and AECID our region, the worse affected region social- and economically wise by COVID, will be able to continue exchanging good practices to improve the situation in their respective countries;
- Both AICESIS and CESALC, as global cooperation networks, can play a decisive role in enabling the exchange of good pratices on these important issues to be able to gear the countries in the region towards better lives for all the citizens in our region.
Download the presentations (in Spanish) :Presentation1CESALC 4 november 2021
More information can be found