Press release

The need for social dialogue dealing with COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic claims human’s lives, it puts an enormous pressure on the healthcare system and is causing massive economic and social disruption around the world. Such a complex crisis, with far-reaching consequences for everyone, requires a multidimensional approach in which governments, stakeholders and the social civil community should collaborate with each other to formulate effective strategies and policy measures to mitigate as much as possible the social economic consequences. Maintaining jobs and avoiding bankruptcies are important starting points. An effective tripartite social dialogue contributes to finding solutions to control the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.

Besides giving advice on COVID-19 related draft laws and regulations, the SER is following the developments on COVID-19 meticulously. The main information sources are among others the International Labour Organization (ILO) that since the outbreak of the pandemic publishes a ‘Policy Brief’ regularly, in which interesting topics are addressed regarding the world of work in the COVID-19 period. The SER will also from now on publish these policy visions on this website.

For the Policy Brief of this month with as main topic ‘‘The need for social dialogue in addressing the COVID-19 crisis’ click here
