The Social and Economic Council (SER)
The Social and Economic Council (SER) which is functioning as an advisory and consultative body of employers, employees and independent members, seeks to make a contribution to the social prosperity by reaching a mutual consensus on important and relevant social -economic issues, which are important for Curaçao. In addition, SER also pays full attention to relevant international developments in these areas.
The SER also strives for quality and broad support base: high degree of expertise combined with broad-based consensus and social support.
Furthermore, SER provides a platform to discuss current and relevant social-economic issues.
Curaçao’s Social and Economic Council
assumes leadership of regional network CESISALC
SER Curaçao Leads AICESIS
Recently issued reports
More information

Social and Economic Council
Ansinghstraat #17
Tel: +5999 461 5406 / 5328