Press release
Presentation about employees participation by CAOP in cooperation with CGOA
Willemstad, 6 December 2019 – On Thursday 5 December 2019, the Centre of Labor Relations Government Personnel (CAOP) in cooperation with the Central Organized Consultation for Public Affairs (in Dutch Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken) (CGOA), organized a presentation about employee’s participation. This dynamic and interactive workshop was facilitated by Marco Sikkel and Alphons de Lange, both working at the CAOP and for many years they have been intensively involved with the development of employee participation in Curaçao among other places.
The presentation is the first of planned meetings with the theme ‘Meaningful work’. Work becomes amongst others things more meaningful if employees can influence their work environment, work organization and the proposed organization’s decision making that matters to them. The CAOP connects independent science with policy and practice, knowledge sharing within and among the sectors and with this aims to contribute to a society in which people can work meaningfully.
The meeting session was attended by the representatives of the governmental labor unions that participate in the CGOA, the members of the Social Economic Council, and various public servants from various ministries.
The employees’ participation is about the way employees are involved in the operations of the governmental organization in which they work. During this meeting session the CAOP paid attention to the different forms of employee participation, namely direct, indirect and external participation.
With regard to the target group, namely the government, the CAOP wanted to explore if there is a role set aside mainly for indirect participation in which a step could also be taken towards meaningful work. In the next upcoming meetings this will be further discussed.
The chairman of the CGOA, Mr. Prof. Dr. Engr. Valdemar Marcha concluded the meeting by saying that the presentation was extremely informative, which started an enriching dialogue, and that this can be considered as a good start towards the improvement of effective employee participation.
The presentation can be found on the website of the CGOA: :
On the picture: CAOP and the participants